hdr Business

For businesses, we make it easy to establish water and wastewater services. Below is our most requested information for businesses, retail developers, and residential developers. If you have additional questions, please contact us at (256) 772.0253, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit our office at 101 Ray Sanderson Drive.

View our latest rate resolution.

View our New Development Fees Summary

View our latest Rate Summary

Construction Specifications Manual
View our water and wastewater construction specifications manual.

Easement Information

View our easement information document.


To better serve our customers, we have combined our turn-in and review process with the City of Madison Planning, Engineering & Building Department. The following procedure should be followed to submit subdivision plats and site plans. Items submitted for review will not be placed on the agenda until the steps outlined below have been completed.

  1. Submit nine (9) copies of the completed plans to the Secretary of the Planning Commission 30 days prior to the regular scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The nine (9) copies will be distributed by the Planning Division to the following for review:
    • Planning Division
    • Engineering Department
    • Fire Department
    • Police Department
    • Public Works Department
    • Madison Utilities

  2. Madison Utilities reviews all plans for compliance to Madison Utilities specifications. Drawings are marked up and returned to the Secretary of the Planning Commission for technical review at the City.

  3. The Technical Review Committee meets at 9:00 AM in conference Room 311A on the lower floor of City Hall, 15 days prior to the Planning Commission meeting. This time and place are subject to change so when you submit your project, you should check with staff to verify them. All projects are discussed in detail at this meeting and applicants will be given the opportunity to discuss any issues discovered during staff review. Applicants will be given a list of corrections that are required in order for the project to comply with City regulations and ordinances.

  4. The issues discussed in the Technical Review meeting must be resolved and corrected drawings must be submitted 7 days after the Technical Review meeting. The applicant must submit 3 full sets of the corrected plans and 11 sets of the plan page (or in the case of a site plan, the site plan page) to the Secretary of the Planning Commission.

  5. Applicants are responsible for sending their own certified mailings for projects that are subject to a public hearing. The staff can assist you with procedures if you desire.

  6. Failure to follow these procedures, or to submit corrected drawings on time, or to resolve issues discussed by the Technical Review Committee by the deadline may result in the removal of the applicant's project from the Planning Commission agenda.

  7. After the project is approved at Technical Review it will be placed on the Madison Utilities agenda. The Madison Utilities board meets on the First and Third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Office Conference Room, 101 Ray Sanderson Drive, Madison, Alabama.

  8. The Planning Commission of the City of Madison meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 100 Hughes Road, Madison, Alabama. Please contact the Planning Commission Secretary at (256) 464-8427 for specific meeting and turn in dates.

Current Bids

Quinn 5,000,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank Reconditioning

2025 Service Truck

Box Inspections

Box Inspection Request

Issue Reporting

Report a Damaged or Malfunctioning Hydrant