- What is the water pressure in my area?
If you are having pressure problems, you can contact our office at (256) 772-0253 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will work with you to determine if you may be having problems.
- Where can I find information on water and wastewater easements? Please review our easement information document and contact Customer Service at (256)772-0253 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information.
- Should I install a pressure regulator?
It is recommended that you install a pressure regulator if the pressure in your area is 85 pounds per square inch (psi) or above. The regulator installed should have a pressure rating of 15-200 psi. This device can be provided and installed by a plumber of your choice.
- How can I find out what is in my drinking water?
Please see our latest Water Quality Report. We also mail a copy of the latest report to each customer during the month of June. If you have other questions about our water quality, please contact our office at (256) 772-0253 or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- How can I remove air or discolored water from my lines?
To remove air from your lines, open the water fixture at the highest elevation of your home. To remove discolored water, open the fixture at the lowest elevation of your home. If the problem persists, please contact our office at (256) 772-0253 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- What do I do if my water has a bad taste or odor?
While we hope this never happens, sometimes in older homes you may experience a taste or odor issue that can be associated with older plumbing lines and fixtures. A possible solution is to open the fixture at the point of the greatest odor and let it flow from one to five minutes. If the problem persists, contact our office at (256) 722-0253 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Why is there paint in my yard, at the curb, or in the street?
Utilities use temporary paint to mark the location of buried lines and pipe before digging for repairs. The national color code for line locating is as follows.
- Blue - Water
- Green -Wastewater
- Red - Electric
- Yellow - Gas
- Orange - Telecommunications
- White - Proposed excavation area
The paint will wash away in a few days with rainfall. Failure to cooperate with other utilities by locating facilities can lead to service interruptions and worker injuries. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. If you plan to do it yourself, be sure to call 811 before you dig to make sure you don’t hit any lines.